Please consider making a donation to the VCA WF. Generous donors like you support health research, Vizsla rescue and our health surveys.


Who We Are

Founded in 2000, the Vizsla Club of America Welfare Foundation (VCA WF) is a 501(c)3, charitable organization dedicated to the health and welfare of the purebred Vizsla. We fund health research, support Vizsla rescue and aggregate educational materials for the Vizsla community. FMI:

Our Mission

We invest in the preservation and longevity of the purebred Vizsla. Since 1998, we have donated over $120,000 to health research via the AKC Canine Health Foundation. Our VCA Public Health Coordinator is a confidential information resource for owners and breeders alike. FMI:


The VCA WF supports a network of independent, volunteer rescue organizations around the country, and we provide financial support to purebred Vizslas in need. Our Veterinary Advisory Committee advises rescue volunteers and breeders on proper diagnosis, behavioral issues, placements, and affordable care plans. FMI:

Contribute to the VCA Welfare Foundation

Interested in making a tax-deductible donation to support
the Vizsla Club of America Welfare Foundation?